[SOLVED] How to Fix Refrigerator Light Is Not Working

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In this article we have given solution for How to Fix Refrigerator Light Is Not Working. You notice that fridge is working but the light in the fridge is not working.  Your Refrigerator is cooling nicely and freezer can make ice but the lighting in Refrigerator is not working at all. The most common cause for this is that the light bulb is faulty and needs to be changed.  But in some cases, Simply changing the bulb will not solve the issue as it may be due to the other reasons. Here we will show how to trouble shoot and fix the light in fridge doesn’t work.

    1. By Replacing the Refrigerator Light Bulb.
      In most cases when your Refrigerator Light Is Not Working, then please remove and replace the bulb with a new one. If you don’y have a new bulb, then check for any visible fault in the bulb by checking its filament. If you shake the bulb gently and you hear a shaking of small pieces, then the Refrigerator bulb is fault and it needs to be replaced.

       Fix Refrigerator Light Is Not Working
    2. Fridge light not working bulb ok then check the socket
      Please check the Refrigerator light bulb socket to see if its working or not.  Check for any discoloration or any bent terminals or see if the wires are faulty or damaged or there is a loose connection, or socket is damaged or cracked. SO a faulty socket can cause the Bulb to not light up and causing the no light issue in refrigerator. Before inspecting make sure to take all the proper precaution.
    3. Faulty Refrigerator Door Switch
      The main function of refrigerator door switch is to allow the electricity to go to the fridge light bulb when you open the fridge door. So when you see that the bulb is working and fridge light socket is also working but still no light in refrigerator then the issue might be due to the faulty fridge switch. In most models this switch can found at the interior edge of the refrigerator. Please remove it with all precaution and check it with a meter for any fault. When you pressed in. It should have no continuity. If it is damaged then please replace it.

How to Fix Refrigerator Light Is Not Working Video

We hope that now you are able to solve the lighting issue in your fridge.  You can check other solution like Samsung freezer not working in our website. Please comment with your questions and suggestions.

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