Cox customer service phone number

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Here you can find Cox customer service phone number.  Listed here is the shortest wait time, 24 hours working 1800 toll free phone number of Cox Communication. For your convenience we also have listed official website , support email, postal and corporate headquarters and all other relevant important contact details of Cox Cable.


About Cox

Cox Communications ( also famously known as Cox or Cox Cable or Cox Broadcasting Corporation, Dimension Cable Services and Times-Mirror Cable) is headquartered in  6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, Georgia, Atlanta U.S.A. . It is one of the largest cable television provider in USA and ranked 3rd in Cable TV services in United States. Cox Enterprises privately owns Cox Communication and it provides digital cable television to its customers. It has more than 7 million subscriber out which more than 3 million are cable subscriber and nearly 5 million customers are subscribed to its internet services. It also has nearly 3 million subscriber who uses its digital telephone services. It was founded on the year 1962. It provides wide variety of services to its customers mainly telephone services, telecommunication services, cable tv, digital tv , VoIP telephony, video on demand, broadband internet, wireless services, mobile phones and other telecommunication services.

Cox customer service phone number

1 800-234-3993

Online Order Assistance –> 1 866-961-0027

24/7 Technical Support –> 866-272-5777

Sales –> 866-456-9944 (24/7)

Automated Support —>  623-322-2000

Official website –>

When to call

Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. / Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Automated call support is open 24*7

If you face any issues related Cox Cable, billing and payments, telephone, broadband internet , wireless services or any other related services offered by Cox you can call cox communications customer service and get the help.

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3 thoughts on “Cox customer service phone number

  1. Sandra LaFrance

    I have no picture or voice on my 2 TV’s since 7/9/17 8:25 am. I tried to call my local Cox company at 401-383-2000 and they said the number was cancelled. What’s going on? I pay a hefty monthly fee and expect when I turn on my TV there’s a voice and picture. Also , I would appreciate the ability to contact a service number. Please address my issues asap.


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