We have listed The Universal Remote codes for All devices and components including TVs , Audio and all kind of devices. You can find Universal remote control codes for TV, Audio, VCD, DVD , SAT Box, Cable TV Box, Audio Sound Box, Media Player, Blue-Ray Player, Combo Players, Receiver and many more type of devices. All the Universal Codes for remote control are given here which will work with all equipment. These are tested and known to work always.
Universal Remote Codes are called Universal since it works for any brand or model of electronics equipment. Normally any device will have either 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 Universal Remote Code which works for them. In this website we have listed these important codes for you audio and video devices. If you dont know your remote control model number then just see inside the battery compartment and you will be able to find it. If it is not there then look at the back side of remote control.
Also note that if your device only accepts 3 digit Universal remote code, then if the 4 digit number is listed here then you just need to drop the first zero and enter it.
You can also use search functionality in this website to find the code for specific devices if you are unable to directly find it in this page. If it is not there then please comment and we will give it to you.
How to Program Universal Remote Control
We have given the step wise step withe detailed instruction which will help you in programming the universal remote control using Universal Remote Codes. Normally most devices uses the same procedures.
Step 1 : First you need to turn on the device to make it work.
Step 2 : Now take your universal remote control and point it to your device .
Step 3 : Now press the button which shows the type of component. For Example press TV for TV or Cable for Cable etc. Alternatively you can also press and hold the component button and wait till it blinks and now you will see a field in which you can enter your device code and submit. Now the light will blink again which means that device code has been saved.
Step 4 : After the above steps have been successful completed. Point your Universal remote control to the device.
Step 5 : Now press the power button and if you able to successfully switched it off then you can confirm that programming has been done successfully.
Step 6 : Now press the Power button again and it should switch on the component. Test with all the functions.
If you are still searching for Universal Remote code of your device then do comment and we will help you. Keep visiting our site for more details.