RockAuto Phone Number Customer Service

Are you searching for RockAuto Phone Number Customer Service. You can find here 1800 toll free phone number of customer working which has very short wait time and working 24*7 . For your convenience we have also listed its website link, support email, corporate headquarter address and other important contact information of RockAuto. 

RockAuto is a multi million American company, headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, United States, and it provide wide ranges of automotive services like servicing and selling automotive parts, car and vehicle accessories etc. It was founded by two brothers Jim and Tom taylor in year 1999 and they named their company after Mississippi river’s tributary rock river. RockAuto ships auto parts and body parts from over 300 manufacturers to customers’ doors worldwide, all at warehouse prices.

Rockauto manufacture many type of products mainly vehicle and auto parts, parts of motorcycles, cars, trucks, marine vehicle, heavy vehicle parts etc. You can get headlights, mirrors, engine parts, brakes, silencer, transmission, beauty accessories, electrical sets, car seats, ignition parts, exhaust systems, Cooling System, Heat & Air Conditioning, Suspension, steering and other parts can get almost all parts for your vehicle from at warehouse prices. you can easily search part number or name and can get it from their website.

RockAuto Corporate Office Address:

6418 Normandy Lane, Madison, Wisconsin 53719, United States

Website :

Rock Auto phone number

1-608-661-1376 and +1-866-7625-2886

Email Id :

If you have any issues on searching for part numbers, ordering, shipping , return, billing and payments or any other related issues, you can call the above phone number of RockAuto customer service to get help

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23 thoughts on “RockAuto Phone Number Customer Service

  1. george pappa

    I’ve been trying to contact you to order a part yesterday. I could not seem to have completed the payment portion and ordered it twice, but that did not through. I have also tried to call you today but no avail your recordings are not very clear and do not make any sense. You do not list your 1-800 number. I need a right side mirror for a 2004 mercury mountaineer, with heat/remote and bottom light, not that puddle light on the side. please advise and help me with my order, thank you.

  2. Ed Bruck

    I like doing business with Rock Auto but the only complaint I have is your sale staff has no clue to what their selling.
    Rock Auto is in serious need of a tech staff to answer questions. Called a few times on different items and sale staff were clueless.

  3. Brad Weese

    Customer service….,what customer service!. Had a simple question for R/A and no customer service could be found. Bought part from local auto parts store because of this. Brad Weese

  4. David

    Why can’t anyone talk to a live agen. Tried several times to get in touch with customer service and all I get is a recording that gets you nowhere. Not very good for business if you ask me.

  5. Brande Wetz

    How’s things?, on occasion I get a 404 website message when I browse your site. I thought you may wish to know, cheers

  6. James Bowen

    Did not receive a complete order. Please call me so we can clear up this matter.

  7. Kamala ODonnell

    You realize that the 2nd number given on for customer service has too many numbers.

  8. ruben olivares

    your automated service sucks .trying to return $75.00 wrong part . last time I,ll buy from this money sucking website.

  9. Mark Bazin

    SHIT HOLE OUT FIT CAN’T TALK TO ANYONE YOU SENT WRONG ROTORS FOR 92 CORVETTE FRONT AND BACK ! BACK ONES HIT THE BOLTS FOR THE CALIPER MOUNT TO DEEP I EVEN TRIED YOUR SPACERS STILL TO DEEP ON TH ROTORS! FRONT ROTORS ARE HEAVE DUTY 13 INCH BUT THE BOLT HOLES ARE WRONG ! I’m upset over the fact you can’t just talk to anyone. Was my money bad was it the wrong fit or did it brake? If so i understand your non verbal policy!

  10. William C Pinson

    Got an extra digit in the phone number. Should be 866-762-5288. However, it doesn’t matter, because according to the recording you get, they no longer provide over-the-phone customer service. It’s all online.

    Maybe a millenial’s dream, but for us old school folks, just another reason to eschew Rock Auto and go back to having the local stores special order needed items, seek out specialty suppliers and contact them directly, etc.

  11. Bobby D Salter

    I ordered a fly wheel and received it. It was the wrong part. I have been trying to get in touch with someone so that I can send the part back and get a refund. We cannot get in touch with you because you will not accept our email address. We have tried everything and nothing works. Can someone please help us. Please call us at (205) 491-3408.

  12. John McWilliams

    I ordered a Fuel Injection pump for my 2010 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel and ran it fro approx. 50 miles and it seems to be bad now. What is the warranty on this pump

    John McWilliams

  13. Rick A

    Really sucks that i can not talk to a human person to rock auto thought i had found a good place to buy parts sorry some new guy had this dumb idea if things dont change i wont be buying parts here no more disapointed ! about this change of doing business


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